Te Mākete Dates
7 Tīhema | 7 December
25 Hānuere | 25 January
22 Pēpuere | 22 February

Te Mākete
Whakawhanaungatanga + Kai + Taonga
Te Mākete is a Māori Market held every month at Hoani Waititi Marae, behind Parrs Park in Glen Eden. Bring the whānau and support Māori business - everyone is welcome.
Whakawhanaungatanga | Live entertainment, traditional Māori massage, 'give te reo a go' and order your barista coffee in Māori.
Kai | Modern and traditional Māori cuisine - try genuine ground cooked hāngī, hot seafood and much more. Bring your water bottle to refill.
Taonga | Purchase directly from Māori artists. Pounamu (greenstone) and raranga (flax weaving) and many more contemporary mediums.
Kākahu | Pre-loved clothing (every 3rd month) and fresh tees.
Free Parking | Free Entry | Wheelchair Accessible | Good vibes
Nau mai ki Te Mākete!
Opening Hours
Once a month
Sat: 9am - 1pm

Whakapā mai | Contact us
441 West Coast Road, Glen Eden, West Auckland 0602.
09 818 2317